Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tobias Brogan

Tobias Brogan was the Lord General of the Blood of the Fold. He was the brother of Lunetta Brogan and made use of her talents as a sorceress, despite preaching that magic must be destroyed. He captures Kahlan Amnell and Adie, but is killed by his sister, for using the gift for magic he never knew he had, during their escape.

Tobias was a man skilled at using a sword. He wore a moustache and posessed a scar above his mouth, acquired during a battle between Lunetta, his mother and the Sisters of the Light who came to take him to the Palace of the Prophets because he had the gift.

In Nicobarese the use of magic is seen as evil, so Tobias's mother teaches Lunetta how to hide his gift from him, so he could grow up without it's taint. When Tobias is grown he kills many innocents, falsely accused of being Baneling's. By the end of his life, Tobias appears to be mad.

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