Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Dennee was a confessor and a good friend of Kahlan Amnell. She was a frail girl, as frail as her mother. After Kahlan's mother died, Dennee's mother took Kahlan in and comforted her. The two girls were thrilled that they were to be sisters, as they called themselves from then on, and it helped ease the pain Kahlan had from losing her mother.

Dennee did not have the strength of power that Kahlan did, and over time, Kahlan had become her protector, guardian, shielding her from situations that required more force than she could bring from within. For Dennee, it sometimes took several days to recover her power, as opposed to an hour or two for Kahlan. Dennee hated taking confessions, hated seeing the look in their eyes, and often Kahlan would go in her sister's place because she wanted to spare Dennee the torment of the task. Dennee never asked Kahlan to go in her stead, she wouldn't, but the look of relief on her face when Kahlan told her she would do it was words enough.

Dennee was killed by a quad sent by Darken Rahl before the series began as she was walking to meet Kahlan during one of her confessions. She had wanted to walk Kahlan home since Kahlan had taken the confession for her. Kahlan found her in the brush at the side of the road, moaning in mortal pain. She had been thrown there, discarded. Her arms were brutally broken and laid useless at her sides, bent in places where they shouldn't be bent. Blood trickled from one ear. Her dress was pulled up over her legs. Her last wish was for Kahlan to kill Darken Rahl. Kahlan had her buried along with a necklace with a small bone on it that Kahlan had worn since childhood and that her mother had given her (and that had originally been a gift from Adie while Kahlan was still in the womb). Dennee had always been fond of that necklace.

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