Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Lunetta Brogan

Lunetta Brogan was a sorceress and the sister of Tobias Brogan. Lunetta readily used her talents to help Tobias in his insane direction of the Blood of the Fold. She used her power, to hide the fact that Tobias possessed the gift, from him and when he discovers this, he falls into madness using his gift wildly. Lunetta kills him and is in turn killed by Galtero.

While under a powerful concealment, powered by Lunetta's "pretties", coloured clothes tied together, Lunetta appeared to be a squat, plump and unattractive woman. However this was just a guise, meant to take all attention from her and place it on Tobias. Lunetta was in fact a more mature looking woman and quite attractive.

Lunetta was completely in the thrall of her brother, truely believing in his cause, having grown up under the harsh teachings that magic is evil in Nicobarese. Though when nearing the end of her life, Lunetta realises Tobias's madness, that he is the true Baneling and finds the strength to kill him.

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