Monday, January 29, 2007

Nathan Rahl

Nathan Rahl is a wizard and ancestor of the Sword of Truth's protagonist, Richard Rahl. He is tall, broad shouldered, and has shoulder length grey hair. Despite his extreme old age, Nathan is still a handsome man, and he is in excellent physical condition, all things considered. Nathan is clever and sometimes deceitful, but his intentions are always pure.

Nathan is a tall, broad shouldered man. He has a raptor like gaze, as all Rahl's do and has bright azure eyes. His long white hair is straight and meets his shoulders and he is clean shaven. Though he is close to one thousand years old, Nathan appears to be in his seventies, though far from defeated. While living at the Palace, Nathan always wore a black hooded robe, though since gaining his freedom he relishes the opportunity to wear different clothes. He is often seen to be wearing a white ruffled shirt, with a green vest and a long black cape.

He is a prophet, and as such had been kept prisoner in the Palace of the Prophets for nearly a thousand years until he and the Prelate of the Sisters of the Light faked their deaths and escaped. Many Sister's at the Palace feared to hear the prophets name even mentioned. Some believe that he is deranged, though this is not the truth. Though he can be eccentric and sometimes forget that normal people do not think the way he does, he is very intelligent and still has his wits about him.

After Richard destroyed the Palace of the Prophets to keep it from falling into the hands of the Imperial Order, Nathan escaped from the control of the Prelate and has since appeared in different places throughout the course of the series, apparently following his own path dictated by the prophecies he envisions. He meets a young woman named Clarissa. Clarissa and Nathan form a romantic relationship. However Clarissa dies, helping Nathan fulfill prophecy. Nathan travels to the People's Palace and gives Friedrich Gilder information to help Richard. Ann tracks Nathan down and after accepting her appology, for imprisioning him all his life, they travel to Bandakar and almost single handedly defeat the Imperial Order troops there.

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