Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Scarlet is a Dragon specifically a Red Dragon. She lives near the mountains by the Azrith Plains, which separate D'Hara and the Midlands. She is described as the most stunningly beatiful creature that Richard has ever seen. She has large yellow eyes.

Scarlet has been made to transport Darken Rahl around the New World due to him taking her egg and hiding it from her. She is used to transport Darken Rahl to the Westland where she takes him to George Cypher's house where he kills George. She has also taken him to Michael Cypher's house. After Darken Rahl's attack on the Mud People she is called a Red Demon by the survivors amognst the Mud People.

Richard Rahl seeks her out a week before the start of winter duing Wizard's First Rule since he needs to travel vast distances in the limited time before the Boxes of Orden are used. Scarlet initially wants to eat Richard but they reach an agreement that he will help her rescue her egg and she will then help Richard search for his friends. Richard tells Scarlet of the eggs location by the Agaden Reach mountains and also of the Gars that surround it. Scarlet then has Richard steal the egg for her due to their been more than the 8 or 10 Gars that she would have been able to defeat by herself. Scarlet then helped Richard search firstly for Kahlan, Chase and Zedd. After finding them she helps Richard locate his brother Michael and the Westland army. After leaving him to talk to his brother she returns in time to save him from Hearthounds and then takes him to the People's Palace.

Scarlet returns to the People's Palace once Darken Rahl has been defeated to tell Richard that her egg has hatched into the young Dragon Gregory. She tells Zedd that she would only allow the Seeker to command her but she would take him to the Underworld if he commanded her. She then transports Richard, Kahlan and Siddin to the Mud People's village.

Scarlet finished her journey to Mud People's village ate the beginning of the book. She calls the Mud People friends since they are friends of Richard. Scarlet then takes the Bird Man on a brief flight as thanks for him giving Richard the whistle that called the birds during his rescue of the egg. She then gives Richard one of her teeth that will enable him to call her if he has need of her. This tooth however can be used but once.

She is called by Richard near the end of the book to transport him from the boundary between the Old and New Worlds to the People's Palace. When approaching the Palace she is hit by yellow lightning casted by Sister Odette, who Richard is able to kill with an arrow fired from Scarlet's back. Scarlet is injured so that she is unable to fly for a month. Her weakness is also caused by laying another egg where she has landed. Richard who needs to travel to Aydindril orders the D'Haran to protect her as they would him.

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