Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Adie is described as a tall fine-looking woman with a strong jaw line. She wears the simple tan robe of a coarse weave denoting her high station as a Sorceress. Embroidered around the neck of her frock, she displays the red and yellow symbols of her profession as a warning to those who would seek her out.

She has a mix of fine straight black and gray hair of medium length cut in square fashion about her face. Her eyes are completely white having been blinded while being held captive by Blood of the Fold. She later learns to use her gift to see and with the help of her gift can see more than a sighted person. Her voice is harsh and raspy thanks to the Blood of the Fold pouring acid down her throat to keep her from telling her husband Pell that she was not the one who named him a Baneling.

While Adie is an old and powerful sorceress age has not diminished the handsome features of her weathered face. She is taller than Kahlan, but not as tall as Richard. For a good part of her life, she used a crutch, having had to sever her own foot when a gripper attached itself to her while she foolishly stopped to rest while traveling in the pass through the boundary between Westland and the Midlands. Her foot was later restored by First Wizard Zedd, although he did not grow it quite long enough, so she still walks with a limp.

Adie was born in Nicobarese under the shadow and rule of the Blood of the Fold. Most recently she has lived at the mouth of the pass in King's Port, Westland, about 4 hours ride from Southaven.

Many call her the bone woman due to her extensive collection of bones she has gathered from her travels in both the New and the Old World. Many consider her to be bad luck due to several people dropping dead from seemingly nothing more than their hearts just stopping, although these were said to be people she didn’t like, most of the people of Southaven refuse to go near her home for fear they too would drop dead.

Adie claims that she lived in the mouth of the pass because she became tired of people coming to her all the time, wanting spells and potions. She wanted to be left alone to study her "higher summons", although the actual reason was to hide from the Keeper.

Adie's home in Kingsport was destroyed when Zedd attempted to use his magic to study a special bone intricately carved from a dead Skrin. The bones of a Skrin Adie had battled in the past came to life destroying Adie’s home in an attempt to capture Adie and Zedd and take them into the Underworld.

Adie is a long-time friend of Chase. She is now also good friends with Richard and especially Zedd. In fact Adie soon becomes one of Richard most trusted allies in the war against the Imperial Order.

When Adie was a young woman she traveled to the Old World and studied with the Sisters of the Light. She also traveled the Midlands and learnt a great deal about her gift of magic from other sorceresses and soon learnt of how rare her strength of power was.
Known Powers:

  • The ability to see with her gift, despite being blind.
  • The ability to be in the rain without getting wet.
  • The ability to sometimes determine whether someone has knowledge of something or not.
  • The ability to know the absolute truth or falsehood of a statement told her by another.
  • Using a bone rattle and chanting an Incantation she can briefly awaken one who has been struck down by underworld beasts.
  • By rubbing her hand in a slow circle over someone's stomach she has shown the ability to detect the nature of the anger within someone and how it will manifest itself.
  • The ability to create shields of magic to protect herself or another.
  • The ability to create lightning or other blasts of light and fire that create extreme damage to her surroundings or death to those she aims at.
  • The ability to stop or explode someone’s heart.
  • She has shown the ability to send another sorceresses' magic back at them to destroy them, as she did to a Sister of the Light in the Confessors Palace.

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