Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Berdine is a Mord-Sith of some skill, who joins with Richard Rahl and becomes a close freind and protector of him. Berdine was the lover of Raina. She was spelled by Lunetta Brogan, but Richard was able to remove the enchantment. Berdine helps Richard with books written in High D'Haran and through the crisis of the plague epidemic, which claims the life of her beloved Raina. Berdine stayed in Aydindril, until it was evacuated, at which time she travels to the People's Palace and helps Verna Sauventreen to study books of prophecy.

Berdine is a tall, beautiful woman. She has long brown hair, always tied into a braid, marking her profession of Mord-Sith. Her blue eyes are piercing and intelligent. Berdine is always dressed in skin tight leather, either red or brown in colour. The leather of the Mord-Sith compliments Berdines exquisite figure perfectly and is a warning to all people.

Being Mord-Sith, Berdine is never without her Agiel at the ready, should trouble present itself.

Energetic and exciteable, Berdine is probably the most good natured of the Mord-Sith, though more formidable than most. Despite her good nature Berdine is capable of becoming as cold as ice if the life of the Lord Rahl is in danger. She once feared that Richard would look down on her because of her relationship with Raina, another woman, but found her fears unfounded.

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