Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Bird Man

The Bird Man, named for his ability to call and communicate with birds, is the leader of the Mud People. The Bird Man has soft brown eyes and long silver-gray hair, and he wears a buckskin tunic and a bone whistle which hangs on a leather thong around his neck. Neither old nor young and still handsome, he is about as tall as Kahlan. The skin of his weathered leathery face is as tough-looking as the deerskin clothes he wears. The Bird Man is used to people being afraid when they look at him, even if it is not warranted.

The Bird Man has the ability to call specific types of birds to him and direct them using the bone carved whistle that hangs around his neck. The sound of the whistle is not audible to human ears. After Richard reaturns to the village after rescuing Siddin, he takes the Bird Man on a short flight on Scarlet so that he can experience flying like a bird.

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