Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sister Ulicia

Sister Ulicia is a former Sister of the Light, turned leader of the Sisters of the Dark. Ulicia acted as Prelate Annalina's loyal administrator, while she covertly directed the Dark Sister's. When discovered by Sister Verna and Richard Rahl, she was forced to flee the Palace of the Prophets by boat with five other Sisters. She was captured by Emperor Jagang, but ingeniously discovered away to swear loyalty to Richard and not betray The Keeper, thus freeing her and four of her Sisters. Sister Ulicia masterminded the plan to capture Kahlan Amnell and bring Chainfire into existance. Ulicia and her Sisters travel to Caska, to discover they were never protected by the bond to Richard Rahl and are re-captured by the Emperor. They are forced to help the Emperor before, Ulicia and Armina, the only surviving Sisters, are sent to "the tents".

Ulicia is said to be a physically attractive woman, though she is beyond evil. Her mind works with a practiced deviousness and she is adept at concocting plans thought to be impossible by most. Ulicia is the very picture of control and thinks of most people as insignificant and inconsequential. She is rarely seen without her stout oak rod.

Having secretly directed the Sisters of the Dark for so long, Ulicia demands obediance and even relishes the chance for a demonstration as to how violent she can become. Having successfully absorbed the male Han and gained the use of Subtractive Magic, Sister Ulicia is a master of powers few could ever even imagine and is believed to be the most powerful of all the Sisters of the Dark.

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