Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Cara is described as being a woman of remarkable beauty with icy-blue eyes and long blond hair that is kept up in the traditional braid worn by all Mord'Sith. She is tall, though not as tall as Kahlan. Her training as Mord'Sith has provided her with a lean and very muscular form. She is powerful and more than a match for any foe. She was taken for training as Mord’Sith at a very early age and is still haunted by her fears of rats from that time in her early training. Cara has a sharp wit and even sharper sense of humor that manifests itself in quick-witted remarks of sarcasm and dry humor. Cara is often quick to state the obvious nature of their predicament and lament the fact that if Richard had listened to her none of this would ever have happened.

As with most Mord’Sith, Cara usually wears her red leather, as she seem to always be expecting trouble. The Red Leather is used as a pronouncement of force and warning. It is also chosen in order to hide the blood of her opponent or pet while in battle or training. Brown is worn as casual attire when no trouble is expected. A Mord'Sith only wears white when she has taken a mate in order to show her mastery in not having to draw blood from her mate.

Cara, having proven not only her loyalty but also honest and sincere respect for Richard but for Kahlan as well, has come to be considered not only a friend but also as a member of the family. She carries great respect for Kahlan, who wears the Agiel of Denna, Richard's former Mord'Sith mistress, and calls Kahlan a sister of the Agiel.

She is among the most affected by Richard's new rule, and in that she has learned to truly love others, and to be willing to openly show her affection for them. The proof of this is in her relationship with the D'Haran General Benjamin Meiffert. She cares deeply for Richard as his bodyguard, and would die for him, not simply because he is the Lord Rahl, but because he is her friend and she understands and agrees with what he stands for and why he fights. Having earned that respect and trust from Richard, she has become the closest protector to Richard and is now considered the unofficial leader of the Mord'Sith.

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