Monday, January 29, 2007


Shota is a witch woman of unknown power who lives in Agaden Reach with her companion, Samuel. She is one of only two witch women to appear in the series. It is not known if any more exist. Although few have met her, the stories about her terrify the people of the Midlands. When in her most common form, Shota wears a wispy dress with variegated shades of gray across its gauzy surface, its folds and loose points floating in the breeze. Her full, thick hair is a wavy auburn, her smooth skin flawless. Almond eyes shine out of a beautiful face, as beautiful as the palace and the valley around Agaden Reach. Her attractiveness can take the breath away from many who see her. Her voice is silky, clear, and easy. Her eyes flash with knowledge that goes well beyond the years that she appears to be. They have the same fire in them that Kahlan's eyes have, the fire of intelligence. Although dangerous, Shota will always keep her word.

Most witches hate Confessors. They are fiercely jealous of a Confessor's power; jealous that once touched, the person is totally devoted. It's unclear whether this is true of Shota, although she is often hostile towards Kahlan.

At some point after Shota took in Samuel as her companion, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander entered Agaden Reach and took back the Sword of Truth, in an encounter that was a very unpleasant experience for both Zedd and Shota. Since that time, Shota has not thought kindly of the old wizard.

No one knows for sure what powers Shota has or what exactly she does, however here is a general description of her powers. She has the power to create very realistic and convincing illusions that trick not only sight, but all the other senses as well, including touch. No one knows how dangerous these illusions actually are (or whether they even are all illusions). Examples: a mass of writhing snakes completely covering ones body, Shota herself appearing as a loved one, external illusions of people, including wizards, which can cast and block spells and use magic dust.

These illusions are even more convincing due to Shota's in-depth knowledge of the world. She can know and mimic the finest details of a person (including voice), details that few in the world know. Shota seems to sometimes have the power to know what a person is thinking and has the ability to erupt blue lightning from her fingers.

Using magic dust, Shota can counter-act the effects of another's magic dust, as well as cause someone to be completely frozen and unmoving.

Shota can bewitch people, causing them to be attracted to her despite their misgivings of her, and can even bewitch the magic of the Sword of Truth. A bewitchment is an incremental thing, witches can't help but do it, it is their way. However, a person's anger, and the anger from the Sword of Truth can help protect from being bewitched. A bewitchment can also be removed in various ways.

Shota has vision for the flow of time, the way events flow into the future and can see things as they will come to pass. However, certain things limit her vision, such as wizard's magic (including the magic of the Sword of Truth). Also, she can only see specific things in the flow of time and is ignorant of most of the details of the future. A Witch Woman's prophecies will always come true, though not necessarily in the manner which is implied or considered likely at the time. Shota's prophecies are always meant to be an aid to the person it is given to, although Shota herself doesn't know how it is meant to help. She is only the channel though which it comes.

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